Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Should Marijuana (Cannabis) be legal?

Marijuana has been considered to be a very dangerous drug and yes it does have negative side effects but what doesn’t these days if not consumed in a moderate way? For example caffeine, too much of it can cause headaches, insomnia, nervousness and one can get addicted to it but drinking less than 400 mg can just be considered a healthy consumption level. Sugar, most people in their lifetime don’t realize that they can go a couple of hours without eating sugar which can over time cause diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome but controlling these sugar cravings wouldn’t be as harmful as it could be. Painkillers, such as Vicodin, OxyContin, and Percocet even Ritalin which is a prescription for people with ADD or Antidepressants these are common medication that a large percentage of the population are addicted too but our country has created a system that controls the access to these prescriptions and can easily tell if one is abusing its access. So yes I agree with Hannah that Marijuana should be legalized and agree that it can bring significant benefits to our economy and reduce crime rates.

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